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I will do the work to make sure our city thrives.



About Me

I moved to Santa Maria in 1997 and since then I’ve enjoyed living and raising my family here. I was raised in Salinas, California; graduated from Salinas High School, attending Hartnell College before transferring to UC Santa Barbara to major in Political Science. After earning a bachelor's degree I was admitted to Fresno State and earned a Masters in Education in Counseling.

I worked as a counselor for Santa Barbara City College and UC Santa Barbara before I was hired by Allan Hancock College. Over the years, I've advanced to my current role as Director of the Central Coast Cal-SOAP Consortium, where I continue to support and guide students in achieving their educational goals.

In 2007, I was appointed as a commissioner for the California State Parks Off-Highway Vehicle Division and served four years. As a commissioner, I dealt with numerous complicated land use and off-road vehicle issues.

In February 2014, I was appointed to the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District and have served 10 years; I recently resigned as Board President to run for Mayor of Santa Maria. When I was first appointed, the school district was in turmoil, teachers were picketing and parents were threatening lawsuits. It has been a long road to the present day where most issues have been resolved as we now provide competitive salaries for school personnel; improved academics across the board; and offer numerous sports, clubs, and safe schools for all students.

Now, as I run for one of the most important roles in the city, I hope you will take the time to read my vision for Santa Maria!


High school students admitted to 4 year-universities


High School Graduation Rate


Balanced Budget


Most competitive salaries for teachers and school personnel

State of the Art Career Technical Education Center

Approved 3rd Year of Math for All Students

State Champoinships in Financial Aid Apps



California Democrats endorse Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor in the 2024 election
Santa Barbara Democrats endorse Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor in the 2024 election
Santa Maria Fire Local 2020 endorse Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor
Central Coast AFL-CIO endorses Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor
UFCW 770 endorses Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor
North Santa Barbara County Manufactured Homeowners Team endorses Diana Perez for Santa Maria Mayor


  • Feliciano Aguilar —Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Board President

  • Alma Hernandez — Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees Member

  • Joyce Howerton — Former  Lompoc Mayor

  • Yvonne Teniente Cuello — 

  • Ricardo Valencia — Santa Maria-Bonita School DIstrict Board President

  • Terri Zuniga — Former Santa Maria City Council Member

  • Rogelio Flores​


*titles are for identification purposes only

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